Since 1996, we have held ISO 9001 certification for the quality of our products as well as ISO 15378 certification, which is a special integration of GMPs and the ISO 9001 standard for producers of primary packaging materials for pharmaceutical products.
Our “Quality Team” has grown and changed as a result of the inclusion of numerous new professional positions.
There has been a noticeable improvement in the administration of Operational Procedures, the review of the Quality Manual, the management of Inspection Audits, and the execution of employee training plans as a result of some coming from the pharmaceutical industry.
As of right now, we have 18 employees working in three factories as members of the Quality Team, five lab resources dispersed across the various sites, and a manager of quality assurance. Each product lot is started with the development of a batch record within our business units, which comprises all the production variables that occurred during production. This is kept in our records for five years following the date of dispatch.
There can never be two lots with the same number because each one is unique. All of the documents we produce (order confirmation, transport document, invoice, box label, pallet label, screen print film, when applicable, and certificate of lot clearance) include this unique number, which is used throughout the entire production process.
With the help of this number, we can almost completely track a batch’s origin and identify it by its raw material, start and end times of production lines, operator and QC supervisor names, shift technician in charge, and warehouse employee names.
At the conclusion of production, we can give a lot clearance certificate that lists all the controls carried out and their outcomes, certifies the use of a certain raw material, and details the manufacturing specifications.
No matter their position, every member of our staff receives ongoing training and is certified by the QA.
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cGMP Plant as per ISO 15378 with DMF from USFDA and Health Canada
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